Fake Slackers

Last Update:
3 days ago

About "Fake Slackers" Webtoon

After classes were divided, not only were the two infamously and widely known “problem youths” placed into the same class, they became deskmates. They were obviously exam prodigies but they pretended to be slackers, their entire beings immersed in this skit. They had to compete for last place during exams; playing games every day on the surface but studying seriously behind others’ backs. Come and gossip about the two guys in our class who always have to compete for last place: the one who always plays tricks in solitude (He Zhao) x the one who would rather destroy humanity than concede (Xie Yu).

Fake Slackers - List Chapter

Chapter Release Date
Vol-3 Chapter 25 02/08/2023
Vol-2 chapter 13 02/08/2023
Vol-1 chapter 12 02/08/2023
Notice-12 02/08/2023
Notice 02/08/2023
Chapter 36 09/04/2023
Chapter 35 09/04/2023
Chapter 34 05/27/2023
Chapter 33 05/17/2023
Chapter 32 05/11/2023
Chapter 31 05/10/2023
Chapter 30 03/29/2023
Chapter 29 03/09/2023
Chapter 28 02/28/2023
Chapter 27 02/20/2023
Chapter 26 02/15/2023
Chapter 24 : LEARN FROM EACH OTHER 02/08/2023
Chapter 23 : reason for being late 02/08/2023
Chapter 22 : WHO'S IN THE SAME CLASS 02/08/2023
Chapter 21 : EARLY IN THE MORNING 02/08/2023
Chapter 20 : REALLY FANTASTIC 02/08/2023
Chapter 19 : don't trust the shameless- 02/08/2023
Chapter 18 : could it be the end of a r- 02/08/2023
Chapter 17 02/08/2023
Chapter 16 : super amazing 02/08/2023
Chapter 16 02/08/2023
Chapter 15 02/08/2023
Chapter 14 02/08/2023
Chapter 11 02/08/2023
Chapter 10 02/08/2023
Chapter 9 02/08/2023
Chapter 8 02/08/2023
Chapter 7 02/08/2023
Chapter 6 05/24/2021
Chapter 5 05/24/2021
Chapter 4 05/24/2021
Chapter 3 05/24/2021
Chapter 2 05/24/2021
Chapter 1 05/24/2021



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